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How you get head lice

More than 90% of head lice cases come from head to head contact with an infested person (hair touching hair), including:

  • Sharing personal items like brushes or hair accessories
  • Children working together in small spaces where heads touch
  • Sharing a batting or safety helmet
  • Hugs (don’t give up hugging, just be proactive)
  • Cloth seats in the movie theater, on a bus, train, or plane (unlikely, though)
  • Sharing dress up clothes, hats or hooded sweatshirts
  • Lying on someone’s bed who has lice
  • Trying on clothes in stores
  • Selfie Pics when heads are close together.

All the above ways to contract head lice must be in conjunction with an infested person. Most lice cases come from head to head contact. Less than 10% of head lice cases are from the environment

Learn how to prevent lice: Prevention Tips